
Showing posts from September, 2017

Printmaking, Plotting Courses, and Planning Out Our Tech

To start off week two of Art and Robotics Club, we jumped from tie-dying to a new form of art - printmaking!  To create these original works of art, our students used pencils to draw deep impression into foam trays, just like the kind you would get your fresh meat on at the grocery store.  In fact, our trays were donated by the lovely folks at our local Vons (thanks, guys!)  Students made multiple stamps in different sizes to represent their interests.  Once the stamps were created, they were painted with a very thin layer of tempera paint... ...pressed carefully onto paper... ...and peeled away carefully to reveal the reverse image of what was carved into them! The kids worked hard and got really creative. When the kids weren't busy with their artwork, they continued to work on robotics concepts. For the kindergarten and first grade crew, we explored more ways to tell our robot, Blue Bot, where to go.  Students took turns using th